Wednesday, February 10, 2010


With most sincere apologies to VANOC... I believe this one picture will not give away any secrets of the opening ceremonies... and neither will this post.
I will say this though my hands and voice is a little sore... from all the clapping and cheering!!!
I highly recommend and encourage people to watch it, I really felt it reflected Canada and as you can see Mike and Jade are also in the pic (the people I'm crashing with this month and stealing broadband access from to report this blog to you) and they were totally enthused about the opening ceremonies. No I don't know who the torch bearer is going to be and the last 20 mins is still a complete mystery, but if what we say was any indication it's gonna be a gooder!
Of special note the Mayor, Premier and Prime Minister showed up to say thankyou to all the volunteers... yep Stephen was in the house... and his French was atrocious as ever. But that is all I will say until after the opening cermonies!

1 comment:

  1. 4th rule of volunteer management:
    - They should be thanked by the leaders of all three levels of government.

    Looks like an adventure, Ben. I'll be watching the ceremonies tomorrow night.
