Wednesday, February 3, 2010

Day of a thousand lineups (okay slight exaggeration)

Day 1 in the books... or is this Day 2? Hmmm...

Anyways as the title may suggest, today was a day full of lineups. So much so, that I believe queuing is a national sport here in Canada. To begin, I spent most of the morning in a line that stretched 3 blocks long...
You see there are certain perks to being a volunteer at the Olympics... namely you get free stuff!


So... as part of your's truly continuning coverage of the Vancouver 2010 Olympics, I'm please to introduce, what I hope will be a regular feature on these blogs... The Free Swag of the Day Moment!
Today's moment: Opening Cermony Dress Rehersal Tickets...
Yes while the rest of you will have to content yourselves with watching the opening cermonies "live" on CTV, I will have already experienced the pagentry, the color the spectacle...
Ahhhhhh... it's good to volunteer :)

But back to the theme of today's post, the day of thousand line-ups... I waited in line to get my ticket and as today was the first day it was available for pickup in Vancouver the line was long... very very long... how long you ask? well... I'll let the pictures tell the tale:

Of course made some new friends, and got interviewed by the cutest blonde from CBC... sorry Ashif no pics... and at the end of the day... 3 tickets!

3 tickets you say? Well each volunteer is allowed to buy 1 extra ticket, and MJ was kind enough to give me hers because she could not attend, so I ended up with 3... Mike, Jade if you are reading this blog... guess where we're going on the 10th?

Of course the line up outside was just to get in the building... then the line up for the elevator, line up to have id verified, line up to have MJ assignment of her ticket for me to be verified, line up for ticket payment (for the extra ticket), line up to get said tickets, line up for some other stuff, and then line up for the elevator down... phew!

Then it was on to the Olympic Uniform and Accreditation lines... again line up to get id'd, line up for picture, line up to pick up Accreditation, line up for uniform fitting, line up for change room, line up to pick up actual uniform, line up to check out for uniform... at the risk of sounding repetitive... phew!!

But all that is done now! I am officially accredited and uniformed out... who knows maybe in a future post you may see me sporting my very stylish olympic threads :)

Until then... smoke 'em if you got 'em


  1. I hope they gave you a nice smock and name tag after all that waiting, Ben. Better stay away from the torch just in case.


  2. who cares about the pic...did u get her digits?!?!?!

  3. Benny, with your experience in the Regulatory world, you should be use to the "hurray up and wait" syndome.

