Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Why this blog?

Due to the overwhelming demand that I keep people informed about my Olympic hijinks (i.e. a couple of people asked) I have decided that this world needs yet another blog full of self promotion and hubris! Yes, yours truly is about to embark on an adventure of slightly more than average uniqueness sure to be replete with perils and dangers (Hey slippery sidewalks and hangovers are scary in my book).

I keep my goals lofty... hopefully I'll give you a few chuckles, maybe a groan or two, and well for those not lucky enough to make it out to Vancouver for the 2010 Winter Olympics a vicarious experience through the eyes of one of the innumerable grunts (aka volunteer) at the Olympics. Yes this intrepid soul will delve deep within the machinations of the 2010 Olympics and provide you a glimpse that you will not see on CTV, TSN, Sportsnet, or APTN (yes the last one is one of the official Broadcasters). Most of it will likely be inane musings... a tax on your precious time but hopefully a few nuggets will spring forth!

So to beging how did we (yes I will occassionaly refer to myself in a royal third person... part of the whole hubris thing) get here? Well about 2 years ago I applied for a volunteer spot and after a bunch of interviews, a few meetings, some begging, some bribing I was offered a spot as a volunteer at the olympics! Sounds simple right? WRONG!!!

At this time I should thank some of the people that made this possible... first and foremost Mike and Jade. By offering me a place to stay they are making the dreams of this little boy come true. While I realize I may be treated slightly better than an indentured servant a place to stay is most welcomed! Next... Alex and Murray... Always good to have bosses who think nothing of letting you take a leave when the workload is overwhelming... and I'll thank other people at a later date because this is starting to read too much like an awards acceptance speech. Suffice it to say a lot of people did a lot of a things to make this possible. So thanks everybody, especially you the reader! (did that come off sincere, or did I push too hard... I pushed too hard didn't I... )

If you have made it through the whole post to this point, I congratulate you... you obviously are not very busy at work and I have been suitably entertaining (hopefully more the later). I bid you all adieu now, I'm leaving work shortly for the flight out to Vancouver. I promise future posts will have some photos. Until then, I leave you with this deep thought... is it only me, or does the Olympic motto Citius, Altius, Fortius have a double meaning this year?

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