Tuesday, March 2, 2010

It's over... it's all over... just about...

Well my last shift is over.  It was a bittersweet moment... I had a chance to work with some great people, some not so great ones, and some really annoying ones (I probably fall into this category)... but still I find an emptiness creeping over.  There was a time when it seem the day would never come, when the madness would start, and then when it did, it seemed like it would never end... and yet I find myself wishing now that it wasn't over.  I met cops from around the country, IOC members from around the world, Russian ballerinas, and members of the Moscow Choir... but the ones I'll treasure the most are the volunteers.  From moments of mindless boredom to moments of purest elation, we shared it all.  It seems weird not being at a competition venue to be able to say that, but in a way being away from it all and the boredom that came with it forced us to come up with different ways to amuse ourselves, and in the end they were the people I celebrated with when Crosby scored that game winning goal.  So as part of my last posts some of the pics of the volunteers I worked with (I apologize in advance because I know I forgot at least one person's name because I was only on shift with them once)

Kelly, Marianne and Cathy

Watching the opening ceremony in the accreditation center

Courtney and Derek

Cathy, Me, Nancy, Martine and Ray

Martine, Jason, Ray and myself at a quarterfinal game

Can't remember... Ray, John... (yes me and John Furlong are on a first name basis :)) and Lyne

Meghan and Cheryl

Monday, March 1, 2010

Canada's Finest

With the Olympics now over, one of my most anticipated posts... for those who knew what I was doing.  With the enormous amount of security required to put on these games police were brought in from across the country.  Being posted at the Bayshore, we had cops from across the country providing a visable presence.  For many it was a big change from their normal duties, and I must say I've made a bunch of new friends who hopefully will allow me to get away with speeding tickets in a variety of cities across the country... but in case not, well it will still an amazing experience.

But for the up shot... duty caps from across the country... see if you can pick out the obvious missing one, oh and try and guess where the last one is from:

South Simcoe
Peel Region
RCMP Duty Cap
RCMP Muskrat Cap
RCMP Beaver Cap
Rothesay... it's in New Brunswik
Quebec Provincial Police
Calgary's Finest
Ontario Provincial Police
Prince Albert
Quebec City
Quebec Sheriff's Department

Peterborough's Winter Cap